Bloopers #8

Enemy Within (1996 TV Movie):

Grace seems to think that the Doctor's blood is very strange when she looks at it under a microscope, but when we see the probe's view of it, it looks pretty normal.

Grace seems to think that the Doctor's blood is very strange when she looks at it under a microscope, but when we see the probe's view of it, it looks pretty normal.

Apparently it's impossible to make a "more accurate" atomic clock - there is no isotope with a decay rate as efficient as the caesium istope used in current atomic clocks. Besides, the most accurate chronometers are based on pulsars (or so I'm told).

When the Doctor tells Grace about his ability to regenerate, his voice says "I have thirteen lives" while his lips clearly say "twelve".

When the Doctor and Grace escape from the Institute by lowering themselves down on a fire hose, notice that there's nowhere near the length needed for the 20-feet-or-so drop that they make.

When the Doctor is strapped up in that Clockwork Orange-esque gear at the end, the insides of his lower eyelid are visible on long-range and medium shots, but not on some of the close-ups.